Discover the Parenting Book That Changes Everything

Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World.

Are you searching for a parenting book that actually makes a difference? Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World is a breakthrough parenting book designed to help parents understand their child’s growth from a holistic perspective. Covering the four core dimensions of child development—Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual—this essential parenting resource provides insights and practical activities that help your child thrive. 4 Dimensional Parenting makes a world of difference.

2D children

Why Choose this Book among the Hundreds of Parenting Books?

In today’s world, children need more than basic guidance to grow into well-rounded adults. They need a foundation that supports every aspect of their development. Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World is the only parenting book that combines modern research in developmental child psychology with over 400 practical tips and activities, making it easy for parents to foster their child’s growth across every essential area.

It’s the Instruction Manual you never got with your child!

What Is 4 Dimensional Parenting?

The concept of 4 Dimensional Parenting is based on the belief that children develop in four distinct dimensions:

  • Physical – Health, physical milestones, and growth
  • Mental – Cognitive skills, problem-solving, and intellectual growth
  • Emotional – Emotional intelligence, resilience, and empathy
  • Spiritual – Sense of self, values, and purpose
Preschool Physical Education
tween mental
Emotional Education
Spiritual Education

Unlike traditional parenting books that focus on one area, Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World provides a balanced approach, showing you how to nurture each part of your child’s development.

What is the 2 Dimensional World?

It is the world of screens: TV screens, computer screens, tablet screens, and phone screens. Screens have only 2 dimensions: Length and width, but no depth. As people spend more and more time looking at screens, we seem to be living in a 2 Dimensional World. We want to help you get your children off the screens and into the real world.

2D technology
Parenting Book Cover

The Benefits of Choosing Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World over other books on parenting

  1. Comprehensive Guidance: Unlike other parenting resources, this book covers all four areas of development, so you don’t miss a thing.
  2. Research-Based Insights: Years of educational and psychological research inform each chapter, making this book one of the most reliable parenting books available.
  3. Practical Activities: Over 400 age-appropriate activities ensure you have practical tools that work in the real world.
  4. Easy-to-Understand Language: You don’t need a psychology degree to understand these concepts. This unique parenting book uses language that is accessible to all parents.
  5. Long-Term Results: By building a balanced approach to each dimension, you set your child up for success in every area of life.

It is the best investment you can make in your child’s future, and it’s easy to use!

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You have 3 Great Choices:

Parenting Book Cover
Complete E-Book

Empower yourself with the tools to raise a healthy, balanced, and happy child. Start your journey in 4 Dimensional Parenting and gain the confidence to make every stage a success.

1. Buy the whole book so that you have a complete guide for your young child’s development all the way through adolescence, or in case you have more than one child. The Complete e-book is available online for immediate download for only $4.99.

2. Buy the complete paperback book as an easy to find reference guide for $14.99 with free shipping.

3. Buy the appropriate chapter for your child’s age and download it immediately for only 99 cents.

Parenting Book Cover
Complete Printed Book

Why are the Chapters of this Parenting Book so Cheap?

We’re not looking to get rich. We’re looking to help parents like you learn a new way of parenting, so we’re making it easy and affordable online for everyone.

Parenting Support for Prenatal Care

The journey of 4 Dimensional Parenting starts before birth. Our Prenatal Care chapter provides guidance on how to create a nurturing environment even before your baby arrives. Learn: 

  • What is the most dangerous thing you can do while your baby is in the womb?
  • How much weight should a “mom to be” gain?
  • How can you to pre-program your new baby to be calm instead of cranky?

Parenting Support for Infants

The Infancy chapter offers insights into your baby’s brain development, physical milestones, and early social skills. Discover:

  • At what age do children begin responding to praise and discipline?
  • What is the best way to stimulate your infant’s brain?
  • What should you do if your baby cries when you put her to bed?

Parenting Support for Toddlers (1 and 2 years old)

The Toddler chapter focuses on emotional resilience and early independence. This stage provides invaluable advice on handling the “Terrible Twos” and other troublesome behaviors like:

  • Why can’t your child stop when you tell her to?
  • What kind of discipline is appropriate for children at this age?
  • When and how should you start potty training?

Parenting Support for Preschoolers (3 and 4 years old)

As your child grows into a Preschooler, their world expands socially and cognitively. This stage introduces positive parenting techniques to handle issues like:

  • What are the 5 areas of emotional intelligence and how can you develop them?
  • How can you handle your preschooler’s desire to argue about everything?
  • How can you handle your child’s aggressive tendencies?

Parenting Support for Early Childhood (5 and 6 years old)

In Early Childhood, children begin to explore relationships and build self-identity while attending school. This chapter provides strategies for

  • What are the different functions of the right and left brain, and how can you develop them?
  • Are IQ test scores the final judgment of your child’s ability?
  • What is the effect of violence on TV and in video games on your child’s behavior?

Parenting Support for Middle Childhood (7, 8, and 9 years old)

The Middle Childhood years are crucial for developing self-esteem and social skills. Here, you’ll learn about supporting independence, handling peer interactions, and encouraging responsibility, as well as: 

  • What should you say to your child about drugs and sex?
  • What are the 3 separate areas your child will base his self-concept on?
  • How do children form harmful negative beliefs that carry over into adulthood?

Parenting Support for Preteens (10, 11, and 12 years old)

During the Preteen or “tweenage” years, children experience rapid physical and emotional changes. This chapter helps parents address important topics like:

  • What should you say to your child about puberty?
  • Are there easy to get resources for discussions about sex?
  • How can you help your preteen practice dealing with peer pressure?”

Parenting Support for Adolescents (13 – 17 years old)

The Adolescent years present unique challenges as teens form their identities and values. This chapter helps you understand what’s happening in your teen’s brain, so you can better understand:

  • How do dopamine and oxytocin affect the teenage brain?
  • How can any child become a world-class performer or expert?
  • What can you do to help your teen make better moral decisions?

Invest in the future of your family today. Order your copy of the essential parenting book, Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World, and unlock a new level of support and understanding for your parenting journey.

Frequently Asked Questions about Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World

How is the concept of 4 Dimensional Parenting different from other parenting books?

Unlike most parenting books, Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World covers every critical area of child development, giving you a holistic understanding. This isn’t just a guide for parents—it’s a complete roadmap for raising a well-rounded child.

Is this book suitable for parents of all ages?

Yes! Whether you’re a new parent or raising teens, Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World provides age-specific insights, so you know how to meet your child’s needs at every stage.

Can I start using the principles of 4 Dimensional Parenting if my child is already a teen?

Absolutely. Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World is designed to be adaptable. With practical tips for every stage, you can implement positive changes at any time. If you discover something missing in your child in one of the dimensions, you can always go back a chapter or two to build the necessary skills.

Watch this TEDx Talk on 4 Dimensional Parenting by the author.

What do other Parents say?

I love the fact that you've given them [parents] something to at least go to for a tool belt to start the process, and not be in the dark trying to figure out what to do.

Michael Fineman

Host of The Dad Link, father of one

We are so in need of what you are doing, and we are privileged to have someone like you who cares . . . who is passionate . . . who wants to help people.

Stanley Bronstein

Author, Speaker, Creator of The Way of Excellence

I like how this book helps you to understand why your kids need more than a 2-dimensional world, how they should be outside like I was, along with socializing face to face.

Melissa Botelho

Missy's Product Reviews

Each chapter is meticulously well-researched and yet also provides an authentic communication style by highlighting various ‘real-world’ scenarios with which parents and teachers can relate. This book is a ‘must-read.’

Michael Stahl

CEO of Motivational Concepts, Father of 2

"I really liked the section on supporting problem solving skills. I think this is the biggest challenge that my students and their parents face."

Samantha Waters

Preschool Teacher, Mother of 2

"As a RN this was a straightforward read with an abundance of great advice for each of the dimensions and for every age as your child grows. As a new mother this book helped me relate to and understand my child on a deeper level."

Laurel Kruger

BSN, RN, Mother of Infant

“This book opened my eyes to ways I could help my own daughter, even with my background in education!”

Brittany Kellogg

4 - 7th Grade Teacher, Mother of a Sassy Toddler

“A beautifully concise and accurate reference for parenting a child in 2020. Such a unique approach which sets this book apart from the rest.”

Ashley Pickering

Certified Physician's Assistant, Mother of a Toddler

"This book has motivated me in regards to personal care, and maintaining a healthy relationship with my husband, keeping the health of our baby at the center of our focus. This book has provided us with continuous growth through education as we navigate the unchartered waters of facing parenthood for the first time."

Madeline Anderson

BSN, Masters in Hospital Administration, Expecting Mother

Independent Book Reviews

Parenting Book Review 1

“I like how this book helps you to understand why your kids need more than a 2-dimensional world, how they should be outside like I was a child along with socializing face to face regardless we humans need this for our mental health. The author did a lot of research, analysis, and application to be applied at different points in a child’s development.

Read the entire written review HERE.

Parenting Book Cover

“I really enjoyed the breakdown of age groups and the breakdown of each dimension within the age group. It is an easy-to-follow format that allows the reader to find what they need specifically.

Read the entire written review HERE.

Listen to the audio review HERE.

Listen to the full author interview HERE.

Unlock the Full Potential of Parenting with 4 Dimensional Parenting

Imagine having a parenting book that doesn’t just offer advice but provides step-by-step guidance and easy-to-apply activities for every stage of your child’s development. The 4 Dimensional Parenting approach goes beyond typical parenting resources, giving you the knowledge and tools to:

  • Understand Each Developmental Stage – Gain clarity on what your child truly needs at every age, from newborn to teen. This parenting guide ensures you’re prepared to support every physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual milestone.
  • Strengthen Your Parent-Child Bond – Through practical activities and age-specific tips, build a meaningful relationship with your child, helping them feel secure and valued.
  • Build Confidence in Your Parenting Skills – Whether you’re navigating toddler tantrums or teenage struggles, this book offers proven parenting strategies and positive parenting techniques to boost your confidence.
  • Foster Emotional Resilience and Healthy Self-Esteem – Empower your child to develop strong emotional health and a positive self-image, laying the foundation for lifelong resilience and confidence.
  • Create a Balanced, Holistic Environment for Growth – Unlike other parenting books, 4 Dimensional Parenting equips you to nurture every aspect of your child’s development, giving them a well-rounded, fulfilling foundation.

Empower your parenting journey with 4 Dimensional Parenting and experience the difference of having a complete guide that’s not just informative but truly transformative. Start creating a balanced, happier family life today—one that supports your child in becoming their best self.

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