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Maybe you have a newborn and you don’t know what to expect . . .
Maybe your child gets angry and you don’t understand why . . .
Maybe your child spends too much time on the Phone or Gaming . . .
Don’t fret! You have what it takes to get the results you desire with a little help:
New Knowledge is the First Step.
It’s hard to solve a problem if you don’t understand the problem. You probably never realized that your child actually develops in 4 Dimensions: The Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. Neglecting even one dimension can be a source of problems. When you understand your child’s capabilities (and limitations) in each of the 4 Dimensions at each specific age, you will see more clearly why he or she is acting that way.
Taking Action is the Second Step.
Knowledge isn’t really power until it is put into action. Once you have the theory, you need practical solutions that will give you results. You need clear actions you can take with your child to help him/her develop in each dimension.
Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World is a book that gives you both! It has the knowledge you need, and it also gives you over 400 educational and fun activities to help your child reach new milestones in growth in each dimension.
Parenting can be tough, but you don’t need a degree in psychology or education to raise your child because this book has the results of years of educational and psychological research explained in simple language, then coordinates those results with easy and fun activities that your children will love. Now is the time to develop a new relationship with your children using activities to enjoy the quality time you have during the summer break from school . . . or maybe you are just unsure what to do with a new infant. Parenting can be easy and even fun when you have the right tools — You CAN do this!
Summer Activities Sale!
1. Buy the whole book so that you have a complete guide of parenting help from prenatal care all the way through to adolescence, or in case you have more than one child. The Complete e-book is normally $9.99 but is available online today for immediate download for only $4.99.
2. Buy the complete paperback book as an easy to find reference guide for $14.99 with free shipping in the US.
3. Buy the appropriate chapter for your child’s age and download it immediately — normally $2.99 but you can get it today for only 99 cents.
For Pregnant Moms
For Parents of Infants
For Parents of Toddlers (1 and 2 years old)
For Parents of Preschool Children (3 and 4 years old)
For Parents of School Age Children (5 and 6 years old)
For Parents of Middle Children (7, 8, and 9 years old)
For Parents of Preteens (10, 11, and 12 years old)
For Parents of Adolescents (13 – 17 years old)
Why are the Chapters so Cheap?
We’re not looking to get rich. We’re looking to provide the parenting help that parents need, so we’re making it easy and affordable online for everyone.
Order the Chapter you need or the whole book Before the Sale Ends!
“I like how this book helps you to understand why your kids need more than a 2-dimensional world, how they should be outside like I was a child along with socializing face to face regardless we humans need this for our mental health. The author did a lot of research, analysis, and application to be applied at different points in a child’s development.“
Read the entire written review HERE.
“I really enjoyed the breakdown of age groups and the breakdown of each dimension within the age group. It is an easy-to-follow format that allows the reader to find what they need specifically.”
Read the entire written review HERE.
Listen to the audio review HERE.
Listen to the full author interview HERE.
There’s no doubt that kids are different these days – they face a different world than previous generations. But that doesn’t mean we can’t take the best lessons and the best strategies of the past, and combine them with current opportunities, to produce the best outcome.
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