What advances does a 7 year-old make in spiritual development?

Children advance in many different areas at different rates, but about the age of 7 they can reach new spiritual development milestones. Middle childhood is a significant age for the spiritual development of a child, and you will find important rituals in several religions to mark this milestone. Your child’s…

How can I handle the terrible twos?

The best way to handle the terrible twos is with understanding. Infants have a very limited range of emotions. Toddlers experience several new emotions for the first time and they don’t know how to deal with them. They have new thoughts, feelings, and hormones flowing through their bodies with no…

What should you say to your teen about drugs?

Unfortunately your teen will be exposed to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs in movies, TV shows, and the Internet, possibly from their friends, and maybe even from some bad influencers. When you see an opportunity, initiate another conversation about smoking, drinking, and drugs (you should have already had a conversation or…

How much weight should you gain during pregnancy?

When it comes to weight gain during pregnancy, you need to take into account how much you weigh before getting pregnant. Regardless of where you start, though, you need to eat healthy foods. By healthy, I mean natural. Anything packaged in cans or plastics is subject to the chemical issues…

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