Press Kit

Use this information, these pictures, video and audio links to help you prepare for parenting book author Tim McCarthy as a speaker or guest on your show. He comes with a wealth of knowledge and speaking experience to educate and entertain your audience . . . and some exciting video footage of impressive martial arts skills to make an indelible impression.

Tim McCarthy
parenting book author Tim McCarthy

About Tim McCarthy

Tim McCarthy is a parenting book author and expert with a Master’s Degree in Education and a Grandmaster rank in the martial arts. He has combined his years of experience as a classroom teacher and administrator (in both public and private schools) with even more years of experience teaching and developing martial arts programs to create a simple plan for the education of children. He has spent years researching developmental child psychology, chosen the best studies, and distilled them into simple, understandable language. He then drew on his vast knowledge of activities that help children become stronger physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and arranged them according to the capabilities of children at each age.

His unique perspective combining Eastern and Western educational philosophy creates a powerful road map for raising balanced children in an increasingly unbalanced world.

He has been a host and speaker at international conventions, has been a TEDx Speaker, included in Marquis Who’s Who in 2024, and has appeared in hundreds of webinars and podcasts. He also currently has two YouTube channels and an active column in Martial Arts World News magazine.

If you want an exciting, informative guest for your show, you have found him!

Email [email protected] or call 407.520.7950 for a quicker response. 

Spring Seasonal Segments

  • Spring Break Activities to Create Balanced Kids
  • Mothers’ Day Gift for Better Family Relationships
  • Baby Shower/Gender Reveal Gift that Keeps on Giving
  • Advice for Expecting Mothers
  • The Father’s Responsibilities During Pregnancy

Anytime Interview Segments

  • 4 Dimensional Parenting (a New Perspective)
  • Emotional Education — The Missing Link in Modern Parenting
  • Moral Education — What Does it Look Like?
  • Child Spending Too Much Time on Social Media?
  • Frankenstein Envy — A Monstrous Teen Problem


Click HERE to access all the portraits. 

Martial Arts Video Links

Martial Arts YouTube Channel

Concrete break

Click on the photo to be taken to Grandmaster Tim McCarthy’s YouTube Channel of exciting martial arts exhibitions, including:

20 Second Promo                              30 Second Promo

60 Second Promo                              Bed of Nails

Blindfolded Watermelon Cuts             Brick Breaks

Comedic Board Break                         Concrete Break

Egg Drop Soup                                    Gun Self-Defense

Highlights of Grandmaster Test           High Kicks

and more!

Interview Videos

The Dad Link Logo

Click HERE for an excerpt from my interview on The Way of Excellence podcast, where I discuss how parenting is dramatically easier once you have the tools, 

or click HERE to watch the entire interview.

We the Species

Click HERE for a brief video excerpt from my interview on Joshua Berglan’s podcast, where I explain the basic concept of the book and how my martial arts background influenced it.

Frankenstein Envy

Click HERE for a brief video excerpt from my interview on the Kimberly Cloud podcast, where I explain the value of this new direction in parenting in light of the recent school shootings, 

or click HERE to see the entire interview part 1, or HERE to see the second interview.

Writer's Room run Radio Logo

Click HERE for a brief video excerpt from my interview on the Best Views Reviews  podcast, where I offer some advice on spiritual education, 

or click HERE to see to the entire video interview.

Dremaniac TV

Click HERE for a brief video excerpt from my interview with Andrew Wallace on the We’ve Got a Problem podcast, where we discuss the value and limitations of the scientific method, 

or click HERE to see the entire video interview, 

or click HERE to listen to the entire audio interview.

bookaholic Logo

Click HERE for a presentation I did on the Readers’ Intrigue podcast, where I read from the introduction and outline the contents of the book, 

or click HERE to listen to the entire audio interview.


Click HERE for a brief video excerpt from my interview in the Confident Parenting Leads to Hope Facebook Group, where I tell specifically what I DON’T want parents doing, 

or click HERE to listen to the entire audio interview.

How to Split a Toaster

Click HERE for a brief video excerpt from my interview on the 2 Nobodys podcast, where I explain how the different dimensions develop (and continue to develop in adults),

or click HERE to see the entire video interview.

Click HERE for a brief video excerpt from my interview with Michael Fineman on The Dad Link, where I explain the internal locus of control,

or click HERE for the full video interview.

The Way of Excellence logo

Click HERE for a brief video excerpt from my interview with Calvin Schwartz on We the Species, where I explain my goal in writing this book,

or click HERE for the full video interview.

Joshua Berglan

Click HERE for a brief video excerpt from my interview on the NeuroDiverse podcast, where I explain the concept of Frankenstein Envy, 

or click HERE to see the entire video interview or HERE to listen to the complete audio podcast. 


Click HERE for a brief video excerpt from my interview on Run Radio’s The Writer’s Room, where I talk about how the book combines fiction and non-fiction by introducing each chapter with a story. 

or click HERE to see the entire video interview.

BestViewsReviews logo 2

Click HERE to see my interview on Dremaniac TV from Australia on a show called Unleashed Leaders of Change

We've got a problem

Click HERE for a brief video excerpt from my interview with Deidre Pippins on the Book-a-holic podcast, where I offer some examples of the over 400 activities in the book,

or click HERE to see the entire video interview seen by over 4,400 people,

or click HERE to listen to the audio podcast.

Readers' Intrigue

Click HERE for a brief video excerpt from my interview on the SoloMoms Talk! podcast, where I give my favorite piece of advice, 

or click HERE to listen to the entire audio interview.

Confident Parenting logo

Click HERE to see my interview in the How to Split a Toaster podcast on good parenting practices before, during, and after a divorce.

2 Nobodys

Published Articles

The Destination or the Journey?     Click Here

How to be a Good Mother                   Click Here

Raising Children Who are Mentally and Emotionally Healthy         Click Here

Raising Children with Healthy Social Media & Digital Media Habits           Click Here

How to Raise Children Who Feel Loved and Connected          Click Here

4 Dimensions      Click Here

How Do I Cheer Up Someone Sad? 15+ Efficient Tips and Tricks      Click Here

How NOT to Become Your Parents     Click Here 

Mom to Be Gift Guide      Click Here

Education Revolution: Innovative Approaches That Are Transforming Education      Click Here

Expert Insights: I Started Teaching in a Small Town . .        Click Here

Four Dimensional Parenting chapter of The Time Poor Series: Mindset           Click Here

How to Balance Athletics with Education: 7 Tips for Young Athletes        Click Here

Speaker One Page

Portable Summary

Click on the picture to download the .pdf file of a double-sided one-page printable sheet of the advantages of featuring Tim McCarthy on your show.

One Page Speaker Summer
What do Parents Say?

I love the fact that you've given them [parents] something to at least go to for a tool belt to start the process, and not be in the dark trying to figure out what to do.

Michael Fineman

Host of The Dad Link, father of one

We are so in need of what you are doing, and we are privileged to have someone like you who cares . . . who is passionate . . . who wants to help people.

Stanley Bronstein

Author, Speaker, Creator of The Way of Excellence

I like how this book helps you to understand why your kids need more than a 2-dimensional world, how they should be outside like I was, along with socializing face to face.

Melissa Botelho

Missy's Product Reviews

Each chapter is meticulously well-researched and yet also provides an authentic communication style by highlighting various ‘real-world’ scenarios with which parents and teachers can relate. This book is a ‘must-read.’

Michael Stahl

CEO of Motivational Concepts, Father of 2

"I really liked the section on supporting problem solving skills. I think this is the biggest challenge that my students and their parents face."

Samantha Waters

Preschool Teacher, Mother of 2

"As a RN this was a straightforward read with an abundance of great advice for each of the dimensions and for every age as your child grows. As a new mother this book helped me relate to and understand my child on a deeper level."

Laurel Kruger

BSN, RN, Mother of Infant

“This book opened my eyes to ways I could help my own daughter, even with my background in education!”

Brittany Kellogg

4 - 7th Grade Teacher, Mother of a Sassy Toddler

“A beautifully concise and accurate reference for parenting a child in 2020. Such a unique approach which sets this book apart from the rest.”

Ashley Pickering

Certified Physician's Assistant, Mother of a Toddler

"This book has motivated me in regards to personal care, and maintaining a healthy relationship with my husband, keeping the health of our baby at the center of our focus. This book has provided us with continuous growth through education as we navigate the unchartered waters of facing parenthood for the first time."

Madeline Anderson

BSN, Masters in Hospital Administration, Expecting Mother

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