How much of what you say can your child understand?

Every child advances at a different rate, but the toddler and preschool years are the time of tremendous advances in vocabulary. During the first year your child can usually understand (her reflective vocabulary) more than she can say (her productive vocabulary), so you can help her learn by looking at…

Learn how to raise super kids.

All children have the potential to be amazing super kids. Anders Ericsson, a psychologist from Florida State University who has spent over twenty years studying geniuses, prodigies, and other outstanding performers in sports, the arts, and entertainment, is convinced there are no special inherited qualities that distinguish people with expert…

How can you help your tweenager deal with peer pressure in an emotional state?

People, especially tweens, respond to peer pressure and behave differently in a “hot state” and a “cold state.” When we are calm, we believe we will act rationally in an emergency. When we are in an emotional state, we usually follow emotions over logic. In order to prepare your tween…

When should your baby talk?

There’s no magic age when your baby will start talking, but here are some guidelines . . . Between 2 and 6 months your baby will start to babble. Respond to him as if you understood, to establish that communication is a back-and-forth activity. Now is a great time to…

How does your neighborhood affect your child’s future?

It takes a village to raise a child, and the quality of your neighborhood can greatly affect your child’s future. Children are not raised in isolation: There are relatives, neighbors, school systems, churches, and even gangs that will affect your child’s growth and development. Recent research shows that where you…

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