Which colleges are best for upward mobility?

Many people assume the Ivy League colleges are best for future success and upward mobility, but research has shown that those two things may be different: Ivy League colleges produce outstanding success rates for their graduates, but Ivy League colleges tend to be attended by students with a high socioeconomic…

What’s the Worst Thing you can do to your Unborn Baby?

Well, except for abortion, the worst thing you can do to an unborn baby is make her go through withdrawal during the first week of her life. Most adults agree that quitting an addiction cold turkey is hard. Just imagine being born addicted to drugs, alcohol, nicotine, or even caffeine.…

How can you help your child earn better grades?

Two great resources for helping your child “learn how to learn” to earn better grades are https://jimkwik.com/ and https://kwiklearning.com/. Jim Kwik offers some great advice like being a FAST learner: Focus – Focus on one thing at a time. Active – Be Active: Learn by doing. Think it, feel it, do…

When should you start potty training?

The best answer to when to start potty training is, “When your child is ready.” As with most other milestones, it’s best to take toilet training cues from your child. When she begins showing an interest in the potty, being aware of peeing and pooping, and expressing the need to…

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