How hard is it to make a happy blended family?

No family is easy, and a blended family is just a little tougher – but it can be done! You just have to remember that the two adults have been developing a relationship by investing time with each other. You can’t expect the children to develop a similar relationship without…

Is it OK for a toddler to have imaginary friends?

In most cases, yes, it is OK for a toddler to have imaginary friends. It is part of the way their brains mature. At about age 3 they may not be able to tell reality from their imagination. There is also some evidence linking pretend play with executive function. Teacher…

How can you wire your tween’s brain for achievement when it starts pruning?

Children's brains grow rapidly, forming as many as 250,000 neurons per minute. Around the age of 11, the brain will start “pruning,” which is the process of keeping connections that are useful and eliminating those that are not. At about this age, the formation of new neurons slows down, and the…

What is the best way to stimulate your baby’s brain?

According to Harvard research, the “serve and return” model of interaction is the best way to stimulate your baby's brain. The Center for the Developing Child at Harvard University suggests the “Serve and Return” method, where – just like in a game of tennis – the baby will serve up…

How can you help your teenager make better moral decisions?

To help your teen make better decisions, first of all, you have to understand the adolescent brain. It is programmed by nature to reject the comforts of home to seek out the new and different in order to work up the courage to leave a secure family and establish a…

How do children form negative beliefs that carry over into adulthood?

Children will often connect two events that are not really related and then form negative beliefs about themselves. Because of what Piaget called Transductive Reasoning, your child may connect two events that have no logical connection, and may feel responsible for things she has no control over. For example, if…

Why can’t your child stop?

Once your child learns to walk (or run), it is an especially dangerous time because his little brain hasn’t developed the ability to inhibit action and still works much slower than you think. Your child really can’t stop as quickly as you would like him to.  If he is running…

What should you say to your child about puberty?

The preteen years are confusing enough, especially because of the raging hormones due to the onset of puberty. The last thing you want is for your tweenager to be caught off guard by a period and not know why she is bleeding. It is important to give your tween accurate information.…

How to get your baby to stop crying

The most important thing to do first is determine why your baby is crying. What does she want? Is she hungry? Afraid? Lonely? Does she have gas? Here are a few suggestions to soothe a crying baby: Offer a pacifier. Swaddling your baby in a blanket reminds her of the…

How can you help your teen deal with peer pressure?

Teens face a lot of pressure from what to wear, how to act, to whether or not to smoke, drink, do drugs, or engage in sex. How can you help your teen deal with peer pressure? One of the best things you can do is help them find a peer…

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