What should you say to your tweenager about sex?

Unfortunately your tween will be exposed to some form of sexuality in advertisements, movies, TV shows, and the Internet. Their friends are probably talking about it, probably exerting some form of peer pressure, and may not have the best information. Assume the role of trusted advisor and educate your child…

Should you breastfeed your baby?

Discuss it with your doctor, but in most cases, yes, you should breastfeed your baby because the healthiest food for a newborn baby is her mother's breast milk. It should have all the right nutrients to help her grow, without the difficulty of digestion that cow's milk has. After birth,…

How can you teach your child to delay gratification?

The ability to delay gratification has a high correlation with later success in life. The emotional aspect of effortful control is the ability to inhibit action and shift your attention. Tests on preschool children measuring inhibitory control are closely tied to their ability to regulate their own emotions and their…

What are the effects of Dopamine on the teenage brain?

Dopamine affects the teenage brain as a neural transmitter that primes and fires reward circuits in the brain. It is the “feel good” hormone that also provides the ability of rapid learning and the extreme emotions attached to winning and losing. Teens love the thrill, always looking for something new…

You Just Found Out You Are Pregnant – Now What?

Once you realize you are pregnant, you need to consider some changes. You may have bad habits that include anything from drugs, to smoking, to living on a roller coaster of emotions, but you can choose to change all of that. It’s no longer just about you. Now it’s about…

Is divorce bad for children?

Divorce can be bad for children, but staying in an unhealthy family relationship can sometimes be worse. Divorce rates began rising in the US in the 1970s and peaked in the early 1980s, causing a lot of concern over its effect on children. Divorce affects different children differently, depending on…

Why do children play with food?

They are trying to learn as much as they can, as fast as they can. In order to learn, they want to touch it, taste it, smell it, see what it feels like on their hands and their face, see what it looks like on a plate, on the table, on…

How can you help your tween establish a unique identity in a positive way?

The preteen years will be a time of further establishing your tween’s unique identity, preparing for the teen years when he will be biologically programmed to break away. Expect him to test his boundaries with clothing, behavior, and activities. Preteen girls will often try to express their unique identity by…

Is it safe to have pets with an infant?

The safety of pets with an infant depends on the pet and the infant. Some pets are dangerous around infants and some infants don't know how to treat a pet. However, generally speaking, children love animals, but make sure your animals love children. If you have pets, be extra careful:…

How can you help your teen form positive new habits?

To help your teen form positive new habits, first of all, you have to understand the adolescent brain. It is programmed by nature to reject the family in general to seek out the new and different in order to work up the courage to leave a secure home and establish…

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